Complete 1600 rope jumps for time.

Immediately pay a 5 burpee penalty for each miss. This workout caps at 20 min.

Post time and burpees completed to comments. If you capped out, post jumps and burpees completed to comments.

21 Day Extras - 

Complete 2000 rope jumps with the corresponding penalties.  

Workout Notes:

We need to have another go at this. Last time we did this workout it was scheduled on a Saturday after a particularly hard week. We needed a smaller workout. This fit the bill.

Thing is, many of you did all 800 reps with very few burpees. A couple of you even strung the entire 800 without a single miss. That's a good thing. It shows that you have mastered the rope jumps.

Let's get a workout today. If you string the entire 1600 without a miss, please consider doing the "21 Day Extras."  

Remember, the burpee penalty is to be assessed immediately. No waiting to assess penalties until after the rope jumps. 

Dr. Paul demos a classic GPP conundrum. Pay the blister penalty, or explain the lost ring to your spouse? What do you do?