4 rounds for time.
20 OH step back lunges R 45/65
20 OH step back lunges L 45/65
20 hollow rocks (back+forth=1)
20 kneeling KB swings R 25/35
20 kneeling KB swings L 25/35
20 high windmill R 25/35
20 high windmill L 25/35
20 box jump switches (R+L=1)
Post time to comments.
The video demonstrating the OH step back lunges shows an alternating lunge. For the purposes of this workout, don't alternate. Continuously step back with the same leg until all reps have been completed for that side.
21 Day Extras -
Complete 200 KB swings 25/35
Workout Notes:
Some of you were built to do High Windmills. Some of you weren't. If you can't do them (due to a marked lack of shoulder flexibility), don't worry. It may not be your fault. It's the way you are built. You are special. :) Alt. to the R.
The other thing is, High Windmills can be rough on Hamstrings. I wish I had the pic of Garrett's last experience with them. "Black and blue" doesn't do the description of it justice.
Just go easy with them. A nice little stretch'll do ya.
The 18:24 HTD record stood for over 4 years. GPP OK crushed it today! Congratulations! Very strong work.
Tell you right now, if I lived near OK, there is only ONE place I'd workout. Splendid trainers and peeps. Just amazing the results that come out of the GG.