2 min run
2 min run w/ OH extension carry 10/25
2 min run
2 min run w/ curl carry 10/25
2 min run
2 min run w/ R side bucket carry 10/25
2 min run
2 min run w/ L side bucket carry 10/25
2 min run
Post number of stops to comments.
Rx awarded to those who do not break runs or carries.
Daily Extras - Do it again!
Workout Notes:
How to do the workout "LEMON"
To get the most out of this workout, run every step you are capable of. Running while weighted (as above) yields a very unique effect on your core. It lend itself to more shaping and strengthening than walking will.
Shaping Bias - BEWARE!
With Thanksgiving only a day away, this seems like a bad time to talk about this. But it needs to be said.
Be careful with that Shaping Bias stuff. It works, but it can also work against you - if you let it.
Working your muscles with the shaping bias makes your muscles call for more nutrients (amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.). Mostly, they need lean protein and clean carbs to provide the extra nutrients you need to look smoking hot!
If you feed your muscles right (lean meats, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts), they'll use only the nutrients they need to shape the muscles. Nothing more. If you don't feed them right (empty calories like, Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, chips, soda), they'll keep asking for more food until they get all the nutrients they need. As you pack on empty calories to nourish the muscles, you'll also pack on a few extra LBs around your middle.
Last thing you want is to do is land on March of next year (when we switch programming from shaping to hardening) with more weight around your middle (and everywhere else) than you can harden up in 60-90 days.
Again, bad timing. I know you want to hella plow some turkey & pie tomorrow. Cool. Go for it. You get a day, maybe two, but then your back to clean eating after that. It's not turkey week, right?
Turkey Day Workout Notice:
Every year we try to increase your pie plowing capacity on Turkey day by storming an exceptionally rigorous workout in the morning.
We have a good one planned this year. A medley - if you will.
The workout this year will be a 2 hour suck-fest. It works like this:
We will post a very lengthy workout both here and on the whiteboard. It will be listed in order of importance. In other words, we want everyone to start at the top of the list and work down. If you are super ambitious, you'll get there promptly at 6:30 am and work as far down the list as possible. You will continue to perform exercises until one of two things happen:
- You tap out.
- We shut the lights off and kick you out. This will happen at roughly 8:45 am.
As always, training staff will be on hand to assist you with the movements. Family and friends are free on Turkey Day. It's not Turkey YEAR either (BOOM!).
A simple gift giving idea for the upcoming holiday season: Couples that workout out together, stay together.