Warm-up -  

50 squats
3 min sit squat hip mobility   (can't do it?  Use a prop)

Workout - 5 super sets of: 

back squats AHAP
burnout set of lunge switches

Post consecutive squats and minutes completed for the warm-up.  Post weights used and number of switches (GPP Math applies - R+L=1) per super set to comments.   

Workout Notes:

We are running a week ahead of our programming here. Since we can't really do pullups 2 days in a row, we'll leave our regularly scheduled pulling cycle for next week. Also, since we've been hammering legs a bit as of late, this workout is hyper appropriate.

Back squats are cool.  We love them.  We especially program them on days we are trying to directly stimulate your quads.  We prefer front squats for over-all benefit, but back squats have their purposes.  

You will be able to go heavier for back squats than you will for FS since BS places the bar more directly over your COG.  This is great for the desired purpose (blitzing the legs), but it can be sketchy if you don't come into every set fresh.  Be sure you get plenty of rest between each super set.  This will ensure max safety and efficiency of the exercises.  

Back squats aren't easy to safely bail from (bar not in hands) if you miss the lift.  This means you can't miss lifts on back squats.  Be sure to use weights which are entirely within your wheelhouse.  Remember, those switches are going to sap you.  The weights you use on the first couple of rounds may not be as high as the weights used on the last few.  

Tuesdays are special. They are "pre-hab." If you participate in Tuesday workouts you'll become stronger and more resistant injury. You'll also see more results. HERE is why. 

The holidays are coming!

We have a busy time of year coming up. A stressful, gluttonous, hectic season which generally contributes to our health in the poorest of ways. In about three weeks, most of us will find ourselves missing workouts and stuffing our faces - almost daily. This will continue nearly unabated for roughly, 6-8 weeks. 


It is claimed (I don't really believe it) that the average American adult gains 5-15 pounds of FAT between Thanksgiving and the New Year. I'm not sure how they calculate that. Seems a little high. Then again, not really. Not if it works in the way that I often see happen.

How do I see it happen? 

During the "Silly Season" folks will begin lose focus. Healthy thoughts seem to go out the window. Maybe we think we can "make it up" after the holidays? 

The lucky ones do, "make it up." But, there are a few every year that will ride that unhealthy momentum down the hill as far as it will take them. I recall a lady I used to train 12 years ago who got "off the wagon" over the holidays - and still TO THIS DAY hasn't gotten back on. She just threw it all away. I ran into her in a store last year (so fun to see her). In her own words she has been "overweight, sick and injured ever since." She even suffered a mild stroke recently. BTW - that summer she had a beautiful back shot.   

Can't let this happen to ourselves.

Look, it's unreasonable to expect to be perfect with diet and exercise throughout all of the holidays. I don't know about you, but I don't participate in the health and fitness lifestyle to miss out on the good stuff. Half the reason I watch my diet and exercise regularly, is so that I can "cheat a little" when the appropriate occasion presents itself (i.e. national holidays, state holidays, local celebrations, parties, festivals, parades, fairs, birthdays, vacations, concerts, weekend trips, rainy Saturdays, ice cream socials, bake-offs, remembrances, and etc.). But these occasions need to be metered.     

I propose an off-set season to the holidays.

Beginning Monday of next week we are calling for 21 days of increased focus on your health and fitness through diet and exercise. Details to come (expect 21 days of extra workout bits, nutrition sacrifices and increased accountability). It's all FREE for members of this site. Tell friends!

If we work hard now and really dial in our fitness and nutrition, we'll be less prone to set-backs during the holidays. 

Prepare yourself. We go to work on Monday.