3 straight sets of each:

20 OH triceps ext 15/25
15 side lateral raises 10/15 or AHAP
10 OH DB presses (strict) 15/25 or AHAP
5 BB push presses AHAP

Rest 2-5 min between ea. set.
Post reps successfully completed and weights to comments.

Workout Notes:

It's best if you begin with the push presses. That is, after the warm-up (triceps).

Those OH triceps exts are a little out of place, don't you think? It's your warm up. Nice and light. Take them easy. We'll hit triceps a little later in the week. No need to get too serious about them here.

Side lateral raises are perhaps the most cheated on of all movements. The recommended weight is very high here. Don't be afraid to decr weight.

To do these right, be looking for ANY extra moves or momentum generated (slop!) - AND GET RID OF IT! Start with the DBs hanging at your sides. Not together in front of you. Stand rigidly, with slightly bent knees and elbows. Now, slowly raise the DBs until your arms are parallel to the floor. Pause the movement for 1 full second and 

Troubles with SLRs?

Need full ROM on those OH strict presses today. Each movement must be done from shoulders (touch them with the weight) to arms fully extended. Those halfies you'd see in other places won't do. Unless you are injured, half-reps are a cop out.

New rule for push presses: You must NOT allow your heels to leave the ground. This will require you to put more PUSH in your push presses. Also, these are not thrusters. Those are coming soon enough! :) 

It's gorgeous out there right now. Hope you are gettin out in it. If you do, please send us your brilliant pics of you and your loved ones "using your fitness." We'd love to feature you here on the site.