1000 m row
800 m run
50 lunge steps (R+L=1)
50 alt DB biceps curls 15/20 ea. (R+L=1)
50 knees to shoulders
50 OH triceps ext 20/35
50 side lateral raises 10/15
50 situps
5 min jump rope
Post time to comments.
You may do these in any order using any partitioning method.
No ADDED Sugar or Artificial Sweetener Challenge begins Monday. Prepare yourself.
The thing is, if you go crazy (maybe normal) with your sugar consumption this weekend, then try to go cold turkey - you are going to suffer.
Don't do it. Start cutting back now. It'll pay dividends later.
Something to consider (and take with a grain of salt -or sugar-at the same time.)
Come hike with the GPP Hiking/Snowshoe Club. Hiking the Bonneville Shoreline Trail (trail head at the top of 9th North in Bountiful). Distance - 3.41 miles. Elevation gained - 560 ft. Estimated time - 1:33.46.
Meet at GPP HQ @ 9:30 am.
200 squats to a 14 inch ball is ROUGH. In a related story - Dave is 6'5"