20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11 reps per round for time:

High Sumo 45/65
Box Jumps

Post time to comments

Those of you wanting to start your New Year off with a bang will benefit highly from these additional challenges.  If you are doing these challenges - please SOUND OFF.  It helps to know we are not in this alone.   

Physical Challenge - This week we will post daily challenges which are similar in effort to running 2 miles. 

Nutritional Challenge - Research has shown that eating a high protein breakfast may keep you fuller longer. Your challenge this week:

Eat 24-35 g of protein for breakfast daily.  

Experts argue about which type of protein is best.  Our suggestion is to go natural.  This may require a bit of research on your part.  I Googled, "high protein breakfasts."  Poked around a bit and found some very cool stuff.  Please share your high protein breakfasts to comments.     

Today's 2 mile challenge -

Row 1600 m
7 min hinee band sprints M/H

Post "done" to comments.

Due to the holiday, GPP Kid's class is cancelled today at HQ. 


2 1/2 weeks ago, Troy comes up to me and goes,

"Do you think I could do a marathon on GPP training, clean eating and using Nuskin supplements alone?" 

"Yep - I do." 

Now, those of you who know Troy realize that this isn't much of a stretch.  He is in incredible shape - ALWAYS.  But, still the demands of running a marathon on less than 2 weeks of training is unheard of.  You'd have to be super-human.

At around 2 pm Sunday afternoon, I got a text.  "I finished brother!"  I looked it up.  His time was 4:02:46.  Amazing.  Especially for a guy who didn't run a combined 26.2 miles before the event.  I spoke to him a couple of hours later.  He's feeling great.  BTW this is not recommended - UNLESS you are Troy! 

Congratulations Troy.  You are a testament to clean eating, proper supplementation (Nuskin) and being Generally Physically Prepared.  Troy brings his scanner and supplements to GPP once per month to check your levels.  You should check it out next time.  It's good stuff.  Anyone off-site who'd like more info about his high quality supplements (Nuskin), send inquiries to admin@gppfitness.com