4 rounds OTC

20 uni stability biceps curls R 15/20
20 uni stability biceps curls L 15/20 
45 sec rest

4 rounds OTC

20 uni stability OH press R 15/20
20 uni stability OH press R 15/20
45 sec rest

4 rounds OTC

20 weighted stability ball situps (FE) 15/20
45 sec rest

Post Rx and notes to self to comments.

Ab Challenge -
Complete 3 sets of:

50 twist punches R M/H
50 twist punches L M/H

Post "done" to comments.

Consider wearing gear that covers your legs completely today.  Kneeling on those stability balls for this long can leave your shins pretty raw.

For those of you struggling through your last day of the "Reset" today.  Here are some encouraging words from "Julia" via comments.

"Reset changed my life. I followed Reset with 2 cycles of BCD at the beginning of August, 2013. That was the beginning of a 30 lb weight loss (yeah, it only took 4 months to drop 30 lbs). It's magical. I was so incredibly freakin' unhealthy that my body thanked me dearly for Reset. I felt great. I slept a lot, though. Be ready for that. Give yourself time for that. My entire attitude about food changed during Reset/ BCD. Good luck!"

One Fit Chica's review of GPP Intensive Training Seminar.  Check out the rest of her site.  Good stuff.


Debra R is Onefitchica! (NM)