For Time:
25 burpees
25 burpee - power clean 65/96
25 burpee - box jumps
25 burpee - high weighted situp 15/20
25 burpee - double pumper
25 burpee - hanging leg raise
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Time to get back on our collective horses now that summer has begun to draw down a bit. Thing is, people are like elk. We spend all summer fattening up in prep for a long winter. Ever notice? I know, you'd think that summer would keep us long and lean. Not so. Genetically, we humans aren't much different in terms of wants and needs than our ancestors of just a few thousand years ago.
Winter can get long. If bad habits start up now, it'll make for a painful spring. It'll take much longer to get back into shape. For some of us, it won't happen at all. Getting back on track now, will go a long way toward optimal health. Officially we will start an OHC (Optimal Health Challenge) at the first of Oct. Be watching here to become involved. But for now, try to get back on track by making small (big works too - for some) changes to your diet. We suggest BCD, or the Cleanse.
Here are some of our previous thoughts on changing your diet. (posted originally May 1, 2012).
Changing your diet is a funny thing. Your body doesn't like change. Especially if you start robbing it of calories and begin feeding it food that is less dense (healthy food). From a survival standpoint, it would rather have foods that are calorie rich (junk food, like candy bars). It would also like foods that are nutrient rich, but these two food factors almost NEVER come together. Example: broccoli has lots of nutrients, but few (comparatively) calories.
When you start feeding your body fewer calories than it is used to, typically it will rebel. It has a peculiar way of doing this. We call the effect "artifact" or "withdrawal." It is not unlike the response an addict experiences when eliminating drugs/alcohol.
Unless you have a medical condition which prohibits you from continuing with diet and/or exercise, we suggest you ride this "artifact" for a while. Like 7-14 days. Usually you'll punch through it.
It really doesn't matter what changes you make to your diet and exercise program, there will be "artifact." We all experience it differently. Some are hardly affected (like 1, or 2 people - ever). Most really struggle. Often, when we fail at becoming healthy it is due to not interpreting the meaning of this "artifact" condition correctly. We are all programmed and taught to believe that headaches, nausea and weakness are "bad" signs. That if we are experiencing these, we must be doing something wrong. That what we are doing "wrong" is unhealthy and we should stop. This is natural and true of most things. It is not true of withdrawal from junk food.
The thing is, limiting the symptoms of withdrawal is paramount to our success with diet and exercise. But limiting the symptoms of becoming healthy should not supersede GETTING healthy.
Sometimes understanding that you might HAVE symptoms of withdrawal is all that is needed for helping to overcome them. So, with that in mind, here is a list of natural symptoms you might experience when you trade chocolate for broccoli. (Disclaimer - many of the symptoms you read below are the same symptoms of VERY serious medical conditions. If you experience any of these and you feel you should consult a Doctor, do not delay. The advice here is not intended to supersede that of qualified medical professionals.)
Feeling any of these? Does it tell you something? What exactly? - Post to comments.
Symptoms of Withdrawal -
Emotional Withdrawal Symptoms
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Poor concentration
- Depression
- Social isolation
Physical Withdrawal Symptoms
- Sweating
- Racing heart
- Palpitations
- Muscle tension
- Tightness in the chest
- Difficulty breathing
- Tremor
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Cool to meet Chad who was visiting from NWA.