Complete 3 rounds of:
200m sprint
25 tick tocks R 35/54
25 tick tocks L 35/54
25 donkey kicks
25 swipers 15/20 (R+L=1)
200m sprint
25 stability rev back extensions
25 inchworm w/ tuck jump
25 V-up ball transfers
Post perceived exertion level to comments. Re-comment 24 hours later.
GPP HQ will be closed Monday, Sept 2 in observance of Labor Day. We hope you have a great and active holiday.
This came up today in a context outside of KB swings. We thought it deserved a re-post.
Know this, if you are convinced that the only workout of benefit is the one which leaves you on the floor, nearly dead, in a hot pile of writhing pain - you need to become clear on 2 things.
1. You are DEAD WRONG. Infinitely more pain does NOT equal infinite fitness. At some point, infinitely more pain equals infinitely LESS fitness. And just to get REALLY deep - sometimes infinitely more fitness equals infinitely LESS health.
2. GPP workouts are programmed to be neither HARD, nor EASY. They are programmed to help you be HEALTHY.
When it comes to obtaining GPP (General Physical Preparedness) each of us have different needs, abilities and desires. Luckily, GPP workouts are infinitely scalable to suit all of these needs. Therefore, the applicable intensity of any given workout is wholly dependent upon just one person - YOU.
Jill got hers! Nice!