warm-up -

800 m run
100 situps

workout -

Perform 5 sets each of the following: 

5 deadlifts AHAP
15 incline pushups  

Post weight used for DLs and consecutive reps per set of pushups to comments. 


We've spent a lot of time at GPP extolling the virtues of setting SMART goals.  Not setting SMART goals might be one of the most often over-looked aspects of becoming fit and healthy.  Winston Churchill said it best.

"Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." 

This is as true as it ever was.  What seems to be at issue is - WHO should you tell your goals to?     

Behaviorists used to say that we should tell EVERYONE of our plans to become fit and healthy.  Doing so was thought to help us get some skin in the game and give others the opportunity to lend support. 

That's not the advice given by experts anymore.  It turns out, it is better to keep your goals secret.  Here is why by Derek Sivers. 



We think this exemplifies the purposes of GPP training (Deawn & girls).  Why do you workout?  Please post to comments.