5 rounds for time:

10 push press 45/95
10 power clean 45/95
10 clean & jerk 45/95
400 m run

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- The Dog Days of Summer

- Join us for the Holbrook Canyon Trail run/hike tonight!
Meet at GPP HQ @ 7pm

Jill Wagner is a PT who follows GPP online.  She works with special needs patients who are usually between the ages of 0-8 yrs.  With her advanced training and understanding of her patient's needs, she's been modifying GPP workouts to help them become healthier.  She's seen "incredible" results!  It gave her the idea to try GPP principles on the youth soccer team (11 y/os) she coaches.   

To make it more interesting, she did a pre-test (sprints, endurance run, hamstring length, pushups, situps, shuttle run and broad jumps.  After six weeks she re-tested.  The girls "kicked butt!"  One of the girls improved +13 pushups!  Another gained +19!   Most of the other results were just as incredible. 

Thank you to Jill, her patients and soccer team for pioneering solutions to much of what ails us all!    


OUTSTANDING work ladies!