STAB = (shoulders,triceps, abs & biceps)
Class does reps in unison on trainers count:
Shoulder Medley - 4 rounds
20 front raises 15/20
20 upright row 15/20
20 OH press 15/20
Triceps Medley - 4 rounds
10 narrow push-ups BW
20 skull crushers 15/20
20 OH French press 15/20
Ab Medley - 4 rounds
20 situps
20 R side ups
20 L side ups
20 Superman back ext's
Biceps 21’s - 4 rounds (see demo)
7 bottom to half 25/45
7 half to full 25/45
7 full 25/45
Post Rx or reps completed to comments.
Yesterday, Court texted me with a cool idea. First, she asked, "Do you have one of these (see pic below)?"
I may, or may not have been wearing mine at the time (see pic below), so I wrote back, "I think I can find it."
She goes, "Since Friday is the last day of school (in our area), why don't we celebrate some good ol' fashioned school spirit with a contest?"
It works like this. Anyone who does the workout tomorrow wearing high school gear of ANY kind will be entered to win fabulous prizes worth up to several dollars!
I understand that Court (bottom L) sent the same text out to many. She said, "These came back within a few mins." Haha. Also, I'll bet I can throw this ball over that mountain!