3 rounds for time of: 

3 BW deadlifts
5 pullups 
10 clapping pushups
15 KB swings 35/54

Post time.  Rest.  Repeat.   

A couple of thoughts on today's workout: 

  1. BW = Body Weight.
  2. Be careful with those BW DLs.  Warm-up your back and legs before you perform lifts with weight that heavy.  Try V-ups, or situps for a warm-up.  Also, piriformis & low back stretches will work wonders (after you've warmed-up). 
  3. To get the most out of this workout, you'll want to STORM it!  Pacing yourself (rookies ignore this), will take away from the purposes of this workout. 
  4. If you back is a little sore from thrusters yesterday, don't be afraid to scale the weight of that KB. 


They've been working hard to get everything ready and the BIG day (1st day of workouts) is MONDAY!  Congrats to the GPP NWA team for creating an outstanding facility to serve their amazing community.  Please check them out HERE.  Top quality humans over there!  Top.  Feel like doing some Hawgn' on Monday?