5 rounds OTC -
1 min OH DB run 15/20
15 plank snatches R 15/20
20 T2T tap down crunches (starts and ends in the "crunched" position)
15 plank snatches L 15/20
30 sec rest.
Post Rx or reps completed to comments.
If you are a blogger, or maybe just want to win a cool weekend of fun, you don't want to miss a chance at this giveaway. -N
Janetha, here! As you may know, I write a food & fitness blog (meals & moves.) I am hosting an amazing retreat in Park City on May 17-19. It's called Blend Retreat (named by combining the words "blogger" and "friend"= BLEND) and it is a weekend retreat geared towards food, fitness, and fun. You do NOT have to be a blogger to come--this event is open for everyone!
We have a number of GPPeeps going and I wanted to extend the invite to everyone! GPP is leading a boot camp on Saturday morning and the rest of the weekend will be full of gourmet meals, hiking, snack breaks, and other fun activities. The full schedule & details can be foundon my blog or you can visit the Blend Retreat website HERE.
I am giving away a FREE ticket + lodging to the retreat on my blog right now ($300 value!) so head HERE to enter. If you would like to go, tickets are still available and are only $115 for the full weekend. This includes 2 boot camps, 1 hike, 1 cocktail party, 3 meals, 2 snack breaks, a Chobani gym bag, a workout tank, a retreat T shirt, and swag from over 40 sponsors. Pretty sweet deal. Come hang out with us! You can go HERE to register.
Found this old pic (last season) I forgot to post. People ask me all the time if the Jazz Dancers are just for show ... Nope. (by Brent Asay)