4 rounds for time:
25 ski squats M/H
25 V-ups
25 squat box jumps
25 power cleans 65/95
250 m row
Post time to comments.
WTH? Squats after what we all went through on Friday?
It's ROUGH. We know. The thing is, we've found that getting back onto those sore legs after only a couple of days rest will (in some cases) speed recovery.
There are exceptions to this. If you really over-did it and are really suffering, it may be best to just ride it out for another day, or so. Drinking a lot of water and manually massaging your sore spots may help.
Activity (as in, your GPP Daily Workout) is thought to help improve recovery by actively flushing waste products out from your muscles while speeding nutrients back into them through muscle contractions. When you don't move around (due to pain?) the natural recovery process is thought to become slowed somewhat by inflammation caused by overuse.
Even smaller movements are thought to be more beneficial than no movements. So, if you aren't feeling entirely up to the whole thing today. At least do a part of it, or parts of part of it. You'll likely feel better immediately after the workout. You could also feel much better tomorrow than you would have.
GPP GETFIT clicnic #1
Thursday, Dec 12, 2013 7:30 - 8:30pm.
At GPP Syracuse
It's FREE. It's for everyone. Please come join us as we discuss:
- The philosophies and methods for achieving Optimal Health.
- Why GPP is such a powerful and effective way to train.
- Burst Cycle Diet
- Answers to your questions
Kenz - snowshoeing fun.
Maren & Wade after running Decembrrr Dash in -2 F.
Carmen, Suz & Judy running on Turkey day.
Do you have pics of yourself using your fitness? Please send to admin@gppfitness.com. We love to show the world WHY we workout.