Perform 1 power squat clean 45/95 on the first minute, 2 on the second minute and so on. Continue adding 1 power squat clean per minute for as long as you are able.
Post number of rounds successfully completed to comments.
For those who "tap out" prior to 20 mins - take the next round off, then continue performing half the reps of your max until the 20 min mark.
What is the difference between a power clean and a power SQUAT clean?
The video above R is a good example. The first is an example of a power clean. The second adds the squat. As the video says in the description, "The difference between the power clean and the squat clean is the height of the receiving position - partial squat, or full squat."
A power squat clean is a very advanced move. It combines elements of athleticism that are hard to learn in just a short period. To get it requires a shift in thinking from "lifting the bar up," to "lifting the bar just high enough to drop underneath the weight and stand up using the more powerful muscles."
Please come in a little early to learn elements of the power squat clean, if you like. If you don't master this your first time, don't worry. You'll receive the Rx for power cleaning the weight and then front squatting it.
The Innovation of Loneliness (vid 4:27)
It's an interesting video with critical info on several of the pitfalls of our increasingly social media based culture.
GPP believes health requires more than just the ability to move well.
Astuteness, acuity, sharpness, cleverness, smarts, brains, savvy, know-how, horse sense, judgement, understanding, awareness, wisdom, wit, sagacity, perspicacity, insight and perception are all aided by physical fitness. All are best found at the foot of a master or through the enlightenment of a friend or loved one.
Education may be extracted from volume to eyeball, but acumen demands eyeball to eyeball!
It is a tough season to be going it alone. Group training is far and away more effective for impacting your health through fitness. No social media, no computer program and no website will fully help you (nope, not even ours - as much as we mean it to) unless you surround yourself with all the tools you need to become and stay successful. This means people.
We are continuously asked, "What can I do to get into shape?" First answer goes like this ..."
Getting eyeball to eyeball with motivated and like-minded people will make more of a difference to your health than any other single behavioral change you can make. Period.
If you live close to a GPP, get your butt there - NOW. If you don't, get on the phone this afternoon and call a couple of friends. Ask them to call a couple of friends also. Assemble a group and start meeting daily in someone's basement (garage, shed, driveway, etc.) and storm the daily GPP workout together. Don't lag a day/week/etc. behind. Remember, WE are your community too. There is POWER in community. USE us!
Decide right now that nothing is going to stop you from doing these workouts. If you think it too cold, remember Jesse in the GG at GPP OK. He doesn't always turn the heater on at 0500. That bar/KB/DB is pretty FRICKIN cold when it is well below freezing out. He does it anyway. He finds a way. Very often with a friend.
We get letters and pictures of groups all over the country/world storming GPP workouts together. One was of group of ladies swinging backpacks (they share) full of cans of food which they are using for KBs. I know a guy who melted lengths PVC pipe in the oven, then threaded ropes through to make rings (hung from the rafters in his garage) for Aussies. People assemble in parks, in churches, on beaches, in parking lots and in schools. Not ideal, but they get it done.
Point is, there is POWER in community. Where one person will often find excuses, two (or more) will often find a way.
Come storm a workout with us at Station Park on Saturday. 10:30 am. Hope to see you there.
Backs straight. Shoulders square. Elbows cocked. OUT-FRICKIN-STANDING 0930!