10 burpees EMOM for 5 min
3 min Rough Boy Squats
3 min coninutous plate switches
1 min rest
10 burpees EMOM for 5 min
Class does reps in unison on trainers count:
Shoulder Medley - 2 rounds
20 front raises 15/20
20 upright row 15/20
20 OH press 15/20
Triceps Medley - 2 rounds
10 narrow push-ups BW
20 skull crushers 15/20
20 OH French press 15/20
Ab Medley - 2 rounds
20 situps
20 R side ups
20 L side ups
20 Superman back ext's
Legs Medley -2 rounds
20 BTB squats
20 alternating lunge switches
20 single leg DL 15/20
10 burpees EMOM for 5 min
On trainer's count perform 3 rounds of the following:
20 v-ups
20 T2T side ups R
20 T2T side ups L
20 T2T superman back ext
20 T2T tap down crunches
20 sec ab bridges
10 burpees EMOM
Post all you are thankful for to comments.
ONE workout only today. Starts at 8am!
We are planning on taking over an hour to get all of this done! You'll want to bring your "A" game! Feel free to come to any, or all of this workout. We'll be giving thanks (get it?) just to see you.
Typically, we get a pretty good turn out for our "Pie Burn" extravaganza. Last year we had well-over 100 (some said it was closer to 175 - people kept moving around so it was hard to count. Ha!) of us storming this together. GPP has only enough equipment for about 40-50 of us. If you have 15 and/or 20 lb. weight, please bring it (them).
"Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks."
- Thomas Goodwin
Pie Burn 2012
We are grateful every day for you. We are grateful for your energy and for your enthusiasm We are grateful for your positive intentions and constructive purposes. We are grateful for your endowment to our quest for excellence. We will continue to strive every day to be worthy of your faith, energy and enthusiasm. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving