Run the Rack 2x for each of the following: (rest 1 min between sets)
10 front squats
10 DB biceps curls (strict)
10 OH DB shoulder press (strict)
10 OH triceps ext.
Post highest weight of each run to comments.
We've been a little light on externally weighted lifts for your legs this week. Remember how we went a little heavy at them during the early part of last week and then backed off toward the end of it? We've let them rest a bit and ...
They're up!
It is extremely important to keep transition times between your sets of 10 to a bare minimum today. Doing so will help you attain and maintain "maximum pump," which is particularly important for gaining max benefits from this specific workout.
This workout closely mimics a bodybuilding workout. The great Larry Scott (the world's first Mr Olympia - he won it 2x) taught me, "The key to bodybuilding is attaining a good pump." I had the distinct privilege of working (and working out) with this living legend during a pivotal time in my career. He exemplified the concept of "Optimal Health." Here is a pic of him in his mid 60s. He is a very gracious and generous man. He would be thrilled to know I am passing along some of his tips on to you.
GPP is not a bodybuilding site, but we aren't opposed to using bodybuilding methods to further our goal of achieving "Optimal Health." It is one of the things that sets GPP apart from other programs. We are simply not limited to any ONE concept, or methodology. We find usefulness in many proven concepts and methods. We've made it a point to become educated and experienced in many other ways, so that we may bring a more efficient and effective program to you.
As a side note. We would have preferred to simply adopt someone else's program. This would have been easier. But, having looked around, we are woefully unsatisfied with what is out there. No other program has proven itself specific to our needs. And so, we carry on.
Tara makes like a comma.