4 rounds for time:
250m row
25 KB swings 35/54
25 box jumps
25 donkey kicks
25 ski squats M/H
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Did you notice the size of the KB suggested for today's swings?
HRH is an abbreviation for "Heart Rate Hell". HR is the point of the workout today. We are looking to spike your HR and keep it elevated throughout the workout. Combining a 250 row (which is an all-out sprint) with an extra heavy KB swing should really do the trick.
Heavy KB swings require much more attention to form than many other movements. Opposing momentum to reverse direction of the KB at the bottom of the swing requires exponentially more strength with only slight increases in weight. If you are new to this movement, you are better served by using a lighter bell. Learning the rudiments and fundamentals of a KB swing is much more important to your health than storming for time. While this may be said of EVERY movement, it is especially so of KB swings.
Know yourself. If you have trouble with your back, neck, or shoulders - back the weight down to a more manageable load. Remember to keep a slight inward curve to your low back at all times. Fix your gaze slightly ahead and generate the swing from the hips. Do NOT lift with the arms. Also, swinging the bell above the chin is not necessary. At the top of the movement, your extended (albeit, slightly bent at the elbow) arms should be at, or near, parallel to the floor. Never swing so high as to disengage the lats.
U of U Cheer Team is GPP fit! Walked in to work these guys/gals out yesterday in time to see them setting up for this. Snapped the shot a little early, but it is still incredible display. They are an amazingly talented and fit group of individuals with excellent advisors.