Complete 4 straight sets of each of the following in any order:
8 BB biceps curls AHAP
8 triceps OH ext. AHAP
8 db alt. biceps curls (strict) AHAP
8 triceps push downs (band) AHAP
Post weights used per set to comments.
If you have a question for a GPP trainer please submit HERE.
Stacey: "I live out on the east coast ... I am working on pullups and want to get a band to help me ... What size band [should I] be looking for?
GPP: ... "We aren't huge advocates of bands for those purposes. The fastest way to progress to a pullup is to follow a pullup progression workout plan. Here is an article and vid we made about it:
This will get you there faster. Bands seem to be the crutch that never improves performance. Using a band to give you a boost over the bar puts you in the wrong position to gain strength for an actual pullup. Same goes for pulling bands down to incr strength. I know guys who can pull a couple times their own weight on a lat pull down cable machine, yet can't perform effective pullups. The fitness gained on those things just doesn't transfer. The same goes for bands.
Most folks who employ bands to progress to a pullup end up following the steps outlined above anyway. Just going straight to these steps will save you a bunch of time and frustration. However, if you are sure you need bands, either type will suffice. Buy several so you can progressively subtract one as you incr strength.
Tucson, AZ February 15-18 and St. George, UT March 15-18