OTC - 3 sets of 11 reps pushups (strict)
Rest precisely 45 seconds between each set.


Perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed immediately by 10 seconds rest for each of the following exercises.  Complete all 8 rounds before moving to the next exercise.

KB swings 25/35
row (sub 35/53 for row - each pull = 10m) and (another)
press jacks 15/20
jump rope
box jumps

Post total reps for each exercise to comments.


This was a great read.  I thought it appropriate on Cardio Tabata day.  Good info for those of you who are into the endurance sports/activities (running/biking/hiking etc.).  Remember, it's not all about carbs. - N

Protein and Endurance Athletes: Timing it Right
- Will Brinks


Jodie demos an Rx+ on burpee kisses from the "Burpee Half-Mile."  Coming soon!