For time:

Complete 2 rounds before moving on.

25 OH walking lunges 20/30 (hold weight overhead - arms fully extended)
25 sideups R
25 sideups L

Complete 2 rounds before moving on.

25 squat to box jumps
25 biceps curls (strict) 15/20

Complete 2 rounds before moving on.

25 SLD R 25/35
25 pushups
25 SLD L 25/35

Complete 2 rounds before moving on.

25 front squats 45/65
25 pullups

Post time to comments


Memorial Day Workout - As is tradition, we will be holding a SINGLE Memorial Day workout this Monday the 28th.  Workout begins at 8am!  See you there!


Our little fitness factory is growing!  Thank you!  

To alleviate some of the congestion in the mornings, we will be adding an 8am class through the summer.  First class will begin Tuesday, May 29.  


VERY cool!  We still have more stickers.  If you want one.  Drop us a line.