5 rounds for time:
20 situps
20 sideups R
20 sideups L
20 back ext
20 OH triceps ext 15/25
20 lunge steps
20 KB swings 25/35
400 m run
Post time to comments.
Which is better for you?
A) Two strips of bacon
B) Half a bagel
C) A bowl of Rice Crispies
Those who answered B or C are what we like to call WRONG. Besides having fewer calories (bacon - 84, half bagel - 135, Rice Crispies - 126) bacon will not spike blood sugar. Scientists at Harvard took another look at bacon and its potential for causing heart disease. Their findings? Zip. Nothing. After reviewing 21 studies they concluded bacon does not contribute to heart disease. Heredity, hypertension, injury to the arteries, smoking and inflammation are the major culprits.