10 min of double under work


Complete 5 "supersets" of the following.

8 OH BB press (strict) AHAP
B/O DB skull crushers 15/20 ea.

Post weight of press and number of skull crushers (per set) to comments.


Burnout Sets (B/O) - A single set of exercise done to complete exhaustion. Note: "complete exhaustion" occurs upon breakdown of productive form for a given exercise.


From the comments section: (David - You INSPIRE!)

I'm officially down 50 lbs and am motivated to still keep going. Thanks.

David W. - February 6, 2012


From Masen Mills on Facebook: (Thanks Masen)

You can do it man.... It's all mental; when the hunger hits, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and think "I'm not going to physically die if I don't get food right now." the hunger will go away.

CCC's...One day down!  Let's do this! Remember, there is Commonality Amongst Losers.


Want to run a relay, but not into 200+ miles and sleeping in a car with smelly teammates?  Then, come do THIS with us.


Meg finds a way.