Warm up - 

800m run


5 sets of:
shoulders to OH AHAP + 15 steps (frontward and backwards) OH carry

5 sets of:
deadlifts AHAP + 15 steps (frontward & backwards) above knee carry 

Post highest weight achieved per set to comments.


The "Holiday Hold Em" Challenge

With the extraordinary success many of you experienced with the "Turkey Day Challenge," and because of the great momentum we've gained, some of you have asked for a formal way to continue on.  So, we bring you this:  

The "Holiday Hold Em" Challenge.  This one will be simple (don't want to burn you out on challenges this close to the New Year).  It goes like this:

You are to weigh yourself in tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 22nd).  If you are able to replicate that same weight on January 2nd, you are eligible for $10 off your next GPP membership dues.  For those off-site (or if you choose this option instead): You will be eligible to purchase a GPP shirt at cost (around $14.00 including shipping).  

Here is the kicker:

For those of you who LOSE WEIGHT.  You may take an additional $2 per pound lost off your next GPP membership dues.  Off-site you may apply the same $2 per pound to additional shirts, or other GPP products (protein, bars, etc.).  

You must state that you are "in" by posting to comments.  You do not have to post your weight.  Please consider posting daily, as it strengthens this community and our collective efforts.


Kenz defining "defined."