One Bad Apple ...

About the worst thing you can do when it comes to working out and dialing in your nutrition is - GUESS.  At one end of the spectrum, guessing about how to adjust portions, weights, reps, time and/or rounds costs you efficiency if you get one (or ALL) of them wrong.  Being very deliberate about storming your nutrition and workouts helps you to make faster progress.  At the other end of the spectrum, anyone who guesses wrongly about any or all of the principles above will likely be subject to some rather harsh penalties, in terms of, injuries and setbacks.  Those alone are good enough reasons to keep track of workouts and nutrition.

Wanna know something worse than not making progress, or becoming injured?

It is becoming successful and NOT knowing how you did it.

Think about it.  What if you changed 3 things about your diet and/or workouts - AND IT WORKED! Your body, fitness and health jump to a whole new level of success.  What do you know?  Which thing was it that made the difference? Was it all three?  Was it two of the things?  Was it just one of them?

The problem is, whatever you are doing now will need to adjusted in the coming weeks, months and years. Your fitness and health won't stand for stagnation.  It's the nature of this beast.  What you don't want to do is UNDO the thing(s) that is(are) working for you. Which is all fine and good as long as you know what they are.  If you don't - you are back to square ONE, man.  

Most people would say, It's cool. I'll just keep making changes to ALL THREE of the things. That worked fine the first time. 

Seems like a good plan too, but one thing we all come to learn about health and fitness is where one good thing giveth, another good can taketh away. 

The only thing your body hates worse than stagnation is inefficiency. Participating in ONE inefficient thing will eventually rob success from all other fruitful pursuits. Truly, one rotten apple does spoil the whole barrel.

It's bad enough not to see much progress when you are putting in real time and effort.  It's worse to backtrack and have to start all over.

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Studies don't agree on the effectiveness of ice baths. 

Studies don't agree on the effectiveness of ice baths. 

by Neil Anderson

DOMS  = Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness - It is the pain and muscular stiffness felt in muscles hours to days after strenuous exercise.  The pain is felt most strongly 24-72 hours after exertion.

On the Monday following Thrust-O-Rama, this seems like a timely write-up, so let's go over it.  Let's go a little deeper than we've gone in the past. It stands to reason, if we know more about muscle soreness we'll be better armed to prevent and deal with it in the future. 

What is muscular soreness?

We aren't really sure.  We have a lot of theories about it.  We are fairly sure we know the causes (GPP!).  But, scientists aren't solid on the mechanisms - yet.  Not reliably.  The cool thing is, they've made a lot of progress toward understanding it.  They've even debunked some commonly held beliefs about DOMS that most of us hold dear (It's probably not lactic acid - but we'll get into that).  We've also learned how to better treat it.  More than anything, we know which exercises and activities are most likely to cause it.  Let's start there. 

Why do we get DOMS?

GPP man!  Seriously.  GPP is designed for max efficiency and effectiveness.  This requires we do the movements which are most beneficial.  Which movements are most beneficial?  Natural movements.  The ones we do in real life.  The ones that include ECCENTRIC contractions. 

An eccentric contraction is where your muscle elongates, in a controlled manner, under a load. Think lowering a biceps curl slowly.  Lifting a load, or shortening the muscle has a different name.  It's CONCENTRIC. Think raising a biceps curl.

Now the thing is, ECCENTRIC contractions are thought to do several very notable things.  

1 - They help you control movements (Otherwise you'd be all gas pedal and no brakes).
2 - They are the primarily responsible for strengthening of muscles.
3 - They cause most of the DOMS.

Yep, two goods and a bad.   

So, I just need to avoid ECCENTRIC contractions and I get no more soreness?  Maybe, but you have to finish the sentence.  You'll need to tack this on:

... and not be as healthy, functional, or strong as I'd like/need to be.   

What is the mechanism?

As I said before, the mechanism of DOMS is not well understood by science.  Not reliably. But there are 3 main theories (used to be 4) for why intense activity causes stiffness and soreness. 

1. Microtrauma - This DOMS theory points out that after intense eccentric exercise, microscopic lesions at the Z line of the muscle sarcomere occur. 

Here is the thing, you can't say "small tears in the muscles" like most of the meatheads down at the popular gyms are saying.  It's incorrect.  The tears are microscopic and only occur to parts of the muscle cells.  "Small tears" would likely cause scar tissue and other types of damage.  If done often enough, it would render muscles immobile and mostly useless.   

2. Enzyme Efflux - This theory suggests, accumulation of calcium in a damaged muscle (from intense activities) is thought to slow circulation to muscle cells. This causes further build-up of calcium and is thought to activate proteases and phospholipases which break down muscle protein. This causes accumulation of histamines, prostaglandins, and potassium which lead to inflammation and pain. 

3. Nerve Irritation - This theory is evocative, but is weakly researched.  Temporary swelling in the muscles due to increased blood supply and lactic acid accumulated during activity and is thought to irritate the nerve endings within the muscle cell, damaging them slightly.  Once the nerve endings are irritated, thy become inflamed and painful.  It is thought that there is a delayed effect here. That it takes time for the pain to set in because the damaged nerve endings take time to regenerate. Only after regeneration (24-72 hrs) do they transfer the pain. This might be closely correlated to why it takes most of us 24-72 hours to become sore from a workout.  

The Debunked

Lactic Acid Build Up - We used to think that the build up of lactic acid (focus on the word 'acid') during intense activity was toxic to the muscle cells.  That it literally burnt the cell from the inside and contributed to the pain and swelling of DOMS. 

This theory has largely been rejected by most scientists and trainers.  We understand lactic acid better now. We've learned that it doesn't linger in the cell or blood stream as long as was previously thought.  Scientists have also done studies showing that concentric movements (cycling, swimming etc,) cause just as much lactic acid build-up within the muscle as eccentric/concentric activities.  Yet, cycling and swimming don't cause DOMS to nearly the same extent, if at all.

So, which is MOST responsible?

It's weird.  A lot of folks do a lot of arguing about which of the above is most responsible for DOMS.  I'm personally going with - ALL OF THEM. It wouldn't surprise me if there were more too.  So, I'm leaving room for new discoveries related to DOMS in my way of thinking for future enlightenment. 

It occurs to me, the more we know about DOMS, the more we can avoid it.  It also occurs to me a little bit of it is necessary for improved health and fitness.  We've emphatically been on both sides of the soreness issue.  Years ago, we thought it silly, needless and wasteful to become sore from a workout.  Back then our clients weren't nearly as fit, functional, capable, or as injury free as they are now.  They just plain weren't as healthy. 

Crap.  That couldn't sound more depressing, right?

How can we prevent DOMS?

Easy. Start with slow movements, low volume and light intensity. Build up gradually.

There are numerous studies that show Static Stretching and Warming Up don't prevent soreness.  Here is a couple of them:

High, DM; Howley ET; Franks BD (December 1989). "The effects of static stretching and warm-up on prevention of delayed-onset muscle soreness.". Res Q Exerc Sport. 60 (4): 357–61

Herbert, R. D.; De Noronha, M. (2007). "Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise". In Herbert, Robert D. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Empirically, I've never known stretching (before and/or after) to garner much relief.  I'd personally never rely on it alone.

We've written many articles on how to prevent and treat muscle soreness.

Should I Workout Even If I am Sore?
GPP Soreness Scale
"Shredder" Aftermath

We'll continue to share more as we learn more.  For now, it appears PREVENTION seems to be your only hope.  Once you've got it, you're doomed to suffer through it to the bitter end.  Well ... that may not be entirely true.  There is one OTHER thing that might help.  


I know, it's counter-intuitive to go right AT something that hurt you once.  But exercise is cool that way.  More of it (with limits) seems to be the only thing that is able to prevent future bouts of DOMS.  And due to an effect called exercise-induced analgesia, exercise is the only proven (non-drug) method for temporarily suppressing soreness. 

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Inspired by Elliot (age 12)

I was moved to nearly tears as I read the interview below.  It inspires me on so many levels, that I don't even know where to begin talking about it.  

Let's start here.  It is incredible to me that a mother has taken such interest in her son's health that he (age 12) would have ANY salient thoughts on the subject of health and fitness, much less show command of the topic that he displays here.  I know professionals in this industry who aren't as thoughtful or poignant as Elliot.  Most adults, when interviewed about health and fitness, wouldn't give the answers he did.  Just amazing.

It is rare in this day and age to see a mother taking such an active roll in her kids' health.  Most parents seem content to let third parties (schools, etc.) be responsible for their kids' health activities and education.  The state of our children's health in this nation (and many others) is declining at such a rapid pace that it is not just important to address it.  It's not just urgent.  It's an EMERGENCY now.  Children today are exponentially at higher risk of acquiring health related diseases.  Most of these are directly related to their nutritional intake, activity level and lifestyle.  The ONLY way this changes is by parents getting personally and actively involved.  We all know this.  We are seeing (in this interview) firsthand what happens, if we do.  

I know Rebecca.  I have been amazed by her passion for helping people.  Even more amazed by her devotion to her family and friends.  There are many positive things I can say about her.  None more important than - She leads by example.

Government sponsored activities and programs have lost site of the importance of the health and fitness of our children.  No, it is worse than that. They have actively exchanged the health and fitness of our children for more immediately profitable interests (candy in the food machines, sugary sodas, poor nutritional quality of school lunches).  While they are cutting back on requisites for physical education, they are also cutting funding for adequate facilities and programming suited to improve, or even address our children's physical needs.  It is impressive and inspiring to see GPP NWA leading the way (Hell, they have a "Mini Peep" section in their newsletter), delivering better health and fitness resources to our youth while educating kids/parents on what is truly important about it.     

Elliot has the message right!  Did you see it?  Balance.  He said "balance."  That he thinks, "it's important to live a balanced life."  That, "A person doesn't want to have too much of one thing in their life.  If they do, then they will have less of another."  Salient thoughts indeed.  Did you see he used the word fun?  That's on-message.  Did you see what he and his little brother did for a neighbor?  Yep, he's got the right message relating to H&F alright.    

Tear (nearly).

These are just the highlights.  It is an amazing interview.  Please read it in it's entirety.  Post thoughts to comments.  

To enroll your children into a GPP Kids program, please check with an affiliate near you.  Upper R sidebar. 


GPP Mini Peep

This month I had the kids vote for our GPPkid of the month. Congratulations to Elliott Nimrod!

 bex: How old are you and how long have you been coming to GPPkids?

Elliott: I am 12 and have been doing since this summer. My mom would take me to Coach Chip's house sometimes, we would GPP at home in the garage together and even at the park with my soccer teammates. 

bex: Do you have any hobbies or enjoy playing any sports? Collect anything special?

Elliot: Yes, I play soccer, love riding my road bike and just got a slack line. It's awesome and hard. I collect banks and passport stamps. 

bex: In one word, describe what you love about GPPkids? 

Elliot: Fun

bex: In one word, describe one thing you maybe don't absolutely love about GPPkids? 

Elliot: On-Trainers-Count

bex: Have you noticed any differences since coming to GPPkids?  

Elliot: I have noticed how hard people work. 


bex: What have you learned?

Elliot: To live a balanced life. 


bex: Elliott, why is balance important? 

Elliot: A person doesn't want to have too much of one thing in their life. If they do, then they will have less of another. 


bex: How does GPPkids help you in the sports you play?

Elliot: if I am running, i can keep it up. On the soccer field, I can tell I am stronger and that means I can kick further.


bex: Elliott, how has your fitness served you recently? Has it helped you change the world in which you live?

Elliot: We have had so much snow lately. My fitness allowed me to play in the snow, going up and down a big hill sledding. I had the strength to shovel my driveway and 2 of our neighbors. My brother and I did it just to be nice. I guess that's changing the world, isn't it? 

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