Q and A - Protein

by Neil Anderson

Question from Court on MY FaceBook page (thanks Court):

"I have always heard not to eat anything after 6pm...until recently.  Now I'm told that you should eat some protein right before bed so your body doesn't break down muscle tissue while you sleep...What are your thoughts...?"

A: There is definitely something to be said about keeping "pro'd-up." Doing so helps regulate blood sugar, spare muscle and regulate appetite. It does a lot of other things too.

You are right.  Scientists and professionals are now saying you should have some protein on board at bedtime. More specifically they suggest casein (it digests more slowly). Having protein in your stomach while sleeping may help repair mechanisms in your body do their jobs more efficiently. This may help you become stronger, leaner and younger looking. It may also dramatically improve immune function.  We suggest 20-24 grams within 30 min of falling asleep.  That is, if your stomach can handle it.  For this reason we suggest VERY high quality protein.  We sell THIS.    

BTW - That whole "Eat after six and it sticks" thing is a myth UNLESS you are the type that eats a boat load of food after six.  If this is the case, you should apply its principles with haste. 

"Cancer-Seven Danger Signs"

Recently I became the "Personal Fitness" merit badge advisor for our local Boy Scout troop.  Earning this merit badge is no joke.  It is quite difficult.  I'm super impressed with its requirements.  I am also super impressed (which is rare) with how they define "healthy."  The Boy Scouts of America is ahead of its time in many regards.  

Your command of the signs and symptoms below could save lives...  

"Cancer - Seven Danger Signs" (Boy Scouts of America)

If you recognize any of these seven danger signs, seek further testing for cancer.  Awareness of these seven signs will increase the chances of diagnosing cancer at an early stage and therefore increase your chance of survival.

1. Change in bowel or bladder habits. 
2. A sore that does not heal on the skin or in the mouth.
3. Unusual bleeding or discharge from the rectum or bladder.
4. Thickening of breast tissue (BTW - men also have breast tissue) or a new lump in the breast.  Lumps in the testes is also a sign.
5. Indigestion or trouble swallowing.
6. Obvious changes to moles or warts.
7. Nagging cough or hoarseness that persists for four to six weeks. 

These are some of the more common signs and symptoms.  If you experience any of the above for a prolonged period of time, schedule an appointment with your physician immediately.

Eat The Same Thing Daily


by Neil Anderson

When dieting, we suggest you eat the same thing every day.  The same breakfast.  The same lunch.  And the same dinner.  If you snack, it should be exact same snack(s). 

When it comes to successful weight loss, the devil is in the details.  It is always surprising to ask a client what they ate the day prior.  The longer you stand there and discuss, the more things they seem to be able come up with.  First you hear about (generally) healthy meals.  Then, 2 handfuls of M&Ms.  Then, a couple of spoonfuls of mac-n-cheese from the kid's lunch.  Then, a couple of tastes of dinner.  Oh, and then a bite or two of batter while you were making cookies for the neighbor who just had a baby.  Then, then, then and then...

All of this is very hard to keep track of.  And it ALL adds up.  This "system" of eating has sabotaged more weight loss intentions than any other culprit.  It is always better to eliminate the "and thens" altogether.  Eating the exact same things in the exact same portions eliminates the guesswork and self-sabotage.  It also makes it easier to make adjustments and fine tune results.