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yawning while exercising


1/2 Squatch & Squat Day

Warm up -

20 squats (air)
200m run
30 squats (air)
400 m run
40 squats (air)
800 m run

Workout -

10 front squats AHAP
10 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 1-3 min. 

8 front squats AHAP
8 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 1-3 min.

6 front squats AHAP
6 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.

4 front squats AHAP
4 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.

2 front squats AHAP
2 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.

burnout front squats (use 50% of weight used on 2 rep set)

Post weights used to comments.

Daily extras - 500 rope jumps before and after the workout.

Workout Notes: 

  • We prefer the front squat. It is the most versatile of squat training techniques. It's why you see this one come up most often.
  • You could make an argument for the back squat being best for leg development, but leg development isn't all we go for in a squat.
  • By holding a bar high (on the shoulders), just forward of your center of gravity (COG), front squats ask for more of your shoulders, core and posterior chain.  It also simulates how you do weighted squats in nature. I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I had to lift something (cooler, tree branch, power rake - couple of minutes ago) using a back squatting technique.  Almost always, in daily life, I use more of a front squatting technique. Seems like a good idea to train for the FS, no?

Do you ever YAWN during the first part of your workout? I see it a lot. Especially slower moving workouts (STAB Medley). Ever wonder why you yawn? 

It increases oxygenation and cooling to your brain.  

At the beginning of your workout you aren't taking big gasping breaths yet, but your body is calling for oxygen. Your brain is also heating up. It cools things down to open your mouth wide and take giant breaths. 

Every time you yawn, you suck in extra O2 to help get the workout started and cool your brain down a little. Later in the workout after you've slipped into heavy breathing mode, there is no need to yawn, so you stop.

Also, did you YAWN while you were reading this? Yawns are thought to be contageous. Just the mention of one can make a person YAWN. 

We've expanded GPP Kids Classes

Due to the popularity of our Summer GPP Kid's class, we've expanded to new times. We now have Monday & Wednesday classes. Same time 10:30 a.m. 

If you'd like to bring your kids to those times instead, please feel free. Also, we are happy to sign your kids up and get them started. GPP Kid"s classes last 8 weeks. 

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Most "experts" would like to see Angie's lower legs (tibiae) more perpendicular. But I think they are perfect -- for her. In fact this is a brilliant squat. Chest up, chin high, neutral spine, femurs parallel, weight through her heels, knees tracking over her toes.

She has VERY long femurs. VERY LONG. There is almost NO way we'd get her sitting back in a squat far enough to get her lower legs perfectly perpendicular to the floor without crashing her out. Check out her COG. It's still lined up directly over her mid foot. Exactly where it should be.  

One of our most basic tenants of movement at GPP is: EVERYONE is entitled to their own interpretation of any given movement.