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thruster bears


Thruster Bears

6 rounds for time:

10 thruster bears 25/45
20 Aussie pullups
400 m run

Post time to comments. 

Workout Notes:

  • To complete 1 thruster bear - From standing, place hands on floor and walk to pushup position.  Complete 1 strict pushup.  Walk hands back.  Pick up weight.  Power squat clean it.  Thruster out.  Throw it to the ground.  That is ONE. 
  • It's getting a little cold and dark for outside runs. I love the thought of pushing outside runs deep into the winter, but for some of us it's not really practical. If you have a lot of experience running outside in the cold and dark please gear up and have at it. The rest of us should stay in so subs are (400 m elliptical 8/10, 2 min spin bike, 2 min run in place, 2 min run around the place, 50 burpees, 300 rope jumps) or you can pick your own. Please let us know what you chose to comments.
  • Aussie pullup alt - can be done with bands or cables.   

Challenge Starts Tonight

Some thoughts about the challenge. 

  1. This is a challenge where I am inviting you to get into the best shape of your life over the next 2 months. Be warned, the next 2 months will be the hardest time of the year to engage in a health and fitness challenge. But the cool thing is, if you can make progress during this time period, you can do ANYTHING. 
  2. All details to be given out by WOM tomorrow eve at 7 pm at GPP HQ. It'll take less than an hour. 
  3. IF you are off-site and local please come in!
  4. IF  you are off-site and far away, I'll be publishing an outline on the challenge. 
  5. The challenge is a participation challenge. You will: 
    1. Declare yourself in.
    2. Declare your detailed goals.
    3. Post progress/digression daily.
    4. Help and support others.
    5. Be open to help and support from others.
    6. Post a weekly synopsis of your challenge experience(s).
    7. Follow the 20/20/20 workout plan I have for you, or outline your own workout plan and follow it to the "T."
    8. Follow the "No Sweets" challenge I have for you, or outline your own dietary plan and follow it to the "T."
    9. You will put some skin in the game. Skin in the game means, in order to participate, you have to put something valuable on the line, just in case you flake. If you do flake, you lose it. For example, I posted a bare chested pic of myself in order to humiliate myself into going forward with this challenge. I then committed to posting another pic on Jan 2 of my progress. You should know, these actions constitute my greatest fears and insecurities. Not exposing my greatest fears and insecurities to you is something I value highly, therefore I truly have skin in the game. If that wouldn't do it for you, you should consider writing a check for $1000.00 to the cause of your most severe disliking. For example, maybe you disagree with Hilary Clinton and her politics. If so, you should make that check payable to the Hilary Clinton for President campaign. You get the idea. If it doesn't hurt, you don't have skin in the game. 

I haven't seen anyone do an inverted leg press on a Smith machine in over a decade! So cool to see what you guys come up with. You truly inspire me! (Angie C.)