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tabata repeater


Tabata Repeater

Complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds "work" immediately followed by 10 seconds "rest" of each of the exercises below.  After completeing entire sequence of exercises, choose 3 of the exercises (preferrably your weakest) and repeat.  You may not repeat the same exercise back-to-back. 

OH DB push presses 15/20
jumping pullups
double unders

Post reps completed for each to comments. 


Are you still on it?  How is your "Holiday Hold Em" challenge going?  Please post your results from the last week to comments.  You don't have to put your weight.  Just put how you are doing.  When you share (successes AND set-backs) we all win.  

If you haven't weighed - cool.  A number on the scale is nothing more than a tool to HELP gauge progress.  While it has it's usefulness, it is not necessary to your over-all success.  Don't let it get in your head.  Just find another objective tool to measure with.  We're still going to call for your numbers (weight, or measurements) at the end of this challenge, but you can track your progress in other ways during the intervening weeks, if you like.  

That being said, make sure you ARE measuring your progress.  It is 4 full weeks until we end this challenge.  That is a LOT of time to let slip by.  

BTW - if you'd like to amp up your personal challenge and maybe even get some cool giveaways and prizes during the month of Dec.  Click HERE and go for it!


From Churro to Yana in comments:

"Yana- When I started I weighed in at don don don....171 size 14
after my 12 week first run my lowest recorded weight was 138 size 6

after 3 years I weigh now 148-152 depending on if it is Monday or Thursday and I am a 6, my measurements have changed little, yet I am 10 lbs heavier, I used to really let it mess with my head, and as hard as I tried I couldn't make it back to the 138. I don't think I ever will. 

I gave up on the scale and decided the total number means nothing and the varying of numbers is what I needed to watch...I don't even like to do that...

I just make sure my pants fit, I put weight on right in the trunk first...pants get tight..If the pants don't fit, need to work out more, eat less. Goes right along with everything Neil is saying I am just too lazy to actually measure."

Churro - WOW!