Warm-up - 3 sets of each.
1 min stab plank holds
10 bar pushups
Workout - 5 supersets of each.
8-12 reps of seated uni stab OH press (strict) AHAP
15-20 reps of stab chest flys AHAP
Post weights and reps used per set to comments.
A range of reps indicates that you are to find a weight that will make you fail (with good form) to complete reps somewhere between that rep range. So, if you were given a rep range of 8-12, you should find a weight that you can perform no less than 8 reps, but no more than 12.
This assumes that you have been working out for long enough that performing reps to failure within a rep range will not hurt you. It also assumes you know and use proper form.
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Utah Jazz Dancers Rep'n their GPP! (Carly, Chelsea, Sam, Angie, Danica)