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6 rounds for time:

:45s band sprints
20 pushups
20 OH DB press (strict) 15/20 ea.
20 DB skull crushers 15/20 ea.
250m row 

Post time to comments.


Pregnant Pushup Alt.


For those of you joining us for the fast today (Optimal Health Challenge).  Thought you might find THIS an interesting read.  

We've taken some shots over the bow (mostly from professionals outside of our community hoping to procure a wider clientele) about recommending such a "drastic" situation as fasting, or BCD for inducing health.  Here is what we think about their criticisms:


There is a prevailing mentality in the world that poisons our thoughts and sabotages our ambitions for becoming optimally healthy.  It is the mentality of entitlement.  Somehow, many have come to believe that wanting for anything is an oppression.  Yet somehow, many have a hard time connecting that the only real oppression is the one instigated upon themselves, by themselves.  Lack of health is truly oppressive.   

Most anyone without a medical condition can conduct themselves temporarily in a negative caloric state.  It is a natural state.  Most can do this without damage to their health or metabolism (read the article above).  Research (there is much, much more) has shown it may be healthful to do so.   

Good luck to you.  You can do this.  Commit!  


This is amazing! Can't believe it happened over the holidays.  Strong work Cort.  

... [I] fully committed myself to the 6-week holiday challenge. I watched my caloric intake, I came at least 5 days a week to a GPP class, and it showed when I weighed in yesterday. I dropped 13 pounds dude! I'm stoked about it.
Hard to argue against those results.


Some of the 09:30 gang learning that pullups on rings are ROUGH!