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OTC - Shoulders, Inchworms, 21s, Burps

4 rounds on trainers count -

shoulder medley 15/20

     -20 front raise
     -20 high row
     -20 OH press

20 inchworms

     -while standing put hands on floor (straight or slightly bent legs please), then...
     -walk hands to pushup plank position, then...
     -complete a chest down pushup, then...
     -walk hands back until you can stand up.

biceps 21s 25/45

     -7 half to up
     -7 down to half
     -7 full

10 "6"count burpees

     "1" standing to parallel squat
     "2" squat to pushup position
     "3" pushup position to chest down
     "4" chest down to pushup position
     "5" pushup position to squat
     "6" squat to jump

Post missed reps or Rx to comments. 


Sleeping Too Little or Much Makes You Fat


Mark dropped 29 in his first month.  This was one of his first workouts...OUCH!