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rock hard abs


Ab Medley (timed)

AMRAP in 20 min -

20 stab crunches
20 ball kills R+L=1
20 plank tocks R+L=1
20 stab uni hipups R
20 stab uni hipups L

Post rounds completed to comments.

Daily Extras - 

75 v-ups
5 mins (accumulated) superman back ext holds

Workout Notes: 

  • How to accumulate 5 min in a superman back ext hold: 

    Bring yourself to the top position of the superman back extension (arms straight and off, legs  straight and thighs off). Hold in the this position and start a clock. If you must rest, stop the clock. Continue with this until you have accumulated 5 min in the held position.
  • If you are trying to do the daily extras but your tailbone is rejecting the idea due to our V-up adventure from Tuesday's workout, perform 200 stab crunches instead. 

Q - How long does it take for me to get OUT of shape?

A - It takes less time than most people think. You'll start to lose conditioning within a week of inactivity. 

Need to clarify one thing, though. That's 1 week of INACTIVITY. The more active you are during your hiatus, the less over-all fitness you'll lose. You'll still lose it, just not as bad as if you were flat on your back. 

Speaking of 'flat on  your back,' your body hates this. It's terrible for you (unless you were told to do so by a Dr.). Exercise scientists & doctors can measure factors which are markers for deconditioning within only DAYS of someone becoming completely immobile. Blood plasma levels drop, muscle wasting factors increase, bone density decreases, immune system is blunted, and all of it can be measured within a day or two of becoming inactive.

Yep, sitting on the couch all weekend watching movies and eating chips ACTUALLY leaves you more deconditioned by MONDAY.  

No wonder Monday workouts suck! 

All of this is not to say you shouldn't take a week off from time to time. Cycling weeks off, if done correctly, can add to your health and fitness. But, this has to be planned out. Just skipping weeks from time to time, however, is more often detrimental. 

Q - How long does it take to get your fitness back after you've lost it? 

A - Longer than it took to lose it.

It's tricky. A couple of years ago, a dear friend/client took "a week off" to go on vacation with his kids before his oldest left to serve an LDS mission. That was the last I heard of him. 

I ran into him at a restaurant the other night. He was ducking me, but I saw. And I was happy to see him so, I went up to him to say, "HI!" 

"Dude, that was a pretty long week," I ribbed.  

We had a great conversation as we caught up, but as we talked, one thing was becoming more and more clear - he was back at square one. I could see it, plus he told me so. It's sad because the guy worked super hard for several years to improve his health. He was successful too! He had lost dozens of pounds and even got off his pre-diabetes & BP meds. More than that, he'd become more active with his family and told me he had "tons more energy." Actually, he didn't tell me that, his wife did. 

He's back on the meds now. Has gained all of his weight back too. I'm only guessing, but I'll bet his wife will have a different story about his family activity and energy level. 

Not judging. Just sayin'. 

The point is, I never know how to answer that question (how long does it take to get it all back?). I love people. Want them to be happy. This side of me usually answers the question in a positive/optimistic way. It'll sound something like, "Oh, not long. It's a little different for everyone and if you keep at it, you'll be back before you know it." But I've seen too many people leave over the years and just quit. Quit forever. I've seen them make bold attempts at comebacks too. Some make it. Most don't. I've noticed there is a very strong correlation between quitting once and quitting forever. So, on the inside there is a pessimist that answers this question (How long does it take ...?) with another question. 

"Um ... Maybe NEVER?"

Toward the end Shmoop was jumping the OH from shoulders to arm fully extended. Literally using her hips to drive the weight up. It was perfection! I know those running unilateral OHs look like shoulder work (they are, for sure) but they are meant to stimulate your core.