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press pushpress jerk


Press, Push Press, Jerk

Warm up:

1000 m. row (7 out of 10 intensity)


Perform 3 straight sets of each of the following.  It is best if done in the order given.

3 jerks AHAP
8 push press AHAP
12 OH press (strict) AHAP

Post weights used per set to comments.

Daily Extras - None

Workout Notes:

  • It is always best to perform exercises which are most complex first.  Fatiguing your muscles, nervous system and/or metabolic pathways prior to performing complex movements can be detrimental to both performance and safety. 
  • Complex, or "compound" exercises can be defined as those which involve use of multiple joints, muscle groups and/or movement patterns.  Squats are good examples of a compound/complex movements. 
  • For today's workout, get a good warm-up (row) and perform several lighter sets of jerks before piling the weight on.  Next go to the pushpress exercise.  Then, form up on the OH presses.  Rest as much as you need between exercises and sets.  You should be fully recharged before attempting another set.  You only get 3 sets per exercise so each one must count to gain max benefit.  Make sure you post your results.  Doing so will help you know where to get started next time. 

Tiny Butt Update:

So, a couple of weeks ago my mom (and, like, a dozen of you) informed me that I am losing my backside. I was mortified. My worst fear in the world is turning into that one guy. You know, that old guy who can't keep his pants up without suspenders? Like, it's confusing, I don't know the rules. Do you have to get fancy ironic pins and stick them on yourself, or do they somehow get sent to you by the greater suspender nation?

See, confusing.

Anyway, right then and there I vowed to start doing my HEAVY squats. 

I am happy to report that I have been doing them faithfully now for 2 full weeks. Well, 2x/wk anyway. And I think they are starting to help. Not really helping my backside. It's still tiny, but my legs are growing. They are tighter in my pants. Hoping the thigh swole will translate to the backside sooner than later.

Anyway, I'm getting stronger too. If you are interested in hearing what I'm doing, hit me up. Would love to share.