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press day inverted


Press Day Inverted

Warm-up - 3 rounds of:

10 pushups (strict)
15 stab DB chest flys AHAP
20 triceps pushdowns (AHAP)
rest 2 min.

Workout - 5 rounds of

25 piri crunches R
25 piri crunches L
25 KB swings 25/35
25 side ups R
25 side ups L

Post strings of pushups and weight of pushdowns & stab flys to comments.

Daily Extras - 

Perform 3 bouts of as many continuous mins of plank holds as you are able. Rest 1 min between each bout.

Workout Notes:

  • See what I did here?
  • Try to beat the numbers you put up on Tuesday.
  • Piri crunches are done straight on. Resist the urge to aim the R elbow at L knee.
  • No cables available for pushdowns? The original version called for bench dips.
  • The 2 minute rest is a part of each warm-up round.

Unicorns forever! Come join our Mtn Biking Club! Every Tuesday night. Watch the site for time and place.