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Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 min of:

10 pushups (strict)
10 pullups

Rest 2 min after the 5 min couplet.

Complete AMRAP in 5 min of:

20 squats
20 KB swings 25/35

Rest 2 min after the 5 min couplet.

Complete AMRAP in 5 min of

10 burpees
10 v-ups

Post total rounds from each couplet to comments.

Workout Notes:

I've been hammering your posterior chain this week. Those KBs might be too much. In this workout, the KBs are only there to add a HR component. If your low back is having NONE of it, go ahead and sub KBs out for 20 (R+L=1) plate switches

The world is catching on ... Slowly, but surely, it's catching on!

GPP Forever: How to Avoid Accidental Specialization and Actually Get Fit (Breaking Muscle - Andrew Read)

Heidi was one of my very first clients. We started working together back in 1999. Her incredible physique, unparalleled discipline and fearless nature (You can't see her splinted, broken finger in this pic.) have been invaluable to me over the years while developing GPP methods, techniques and philosophies. 

I've dropped workouts on Heidi that would kill a mule. One thing I've learned: Just because Heidi can can do a certain workout, doesn't mean it belongs in the rotation. 

If you are into Harley Davidson's you should look Heidi (and Joe) up.