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Run Rufous

Daily Workout …

5 rounds of:

10 uni DB thrusters R 15/20
10 uni DB thrusters L 15/20
10 uni DB biceps curls R 15/20
10 uni DB biceps curls L 15/20
10 uni DB triceps kickbacks R 15/20
10 uni DB triceps kickbacks L 15/20
10 uni KB swings R 25/35
10 uni KB swings L 25/35
200m run

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Daily Extras …

12-15 reps per uni.

Workout Notes:

  1. Thrusters are SOREMAKERS.

  2. If you are new, re-read note #1.

  3. Keep the arm “cocked” on the kickbacks. Don’t sweep the weight. Press it back from the elbow.

  4. KB swings are hinged from the hips. DO NOT SQUAT.

  5. Let the shoulder dip forward a smidge for each swing. It’ll strengthen your back.

  6. Pull down on the KB at the top of each rep (at about the navel).

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