Viewing entries tagged
karvonen formula



complete 25 inchworms
run a slow 800


Complete 4 rounds of:

8 deadlifts @ half your 1RM
8 pullups 
8 BB push press @ half your 1RM
5 min active recovery (jogging) at 65% PMHR (use Karvonen formula)

Post weights used and time it takes to recover HR (down to 65%) per round to comments.

Daily Extras -

  • Perform warm-up above.
  • Study the video.
  • Perform 2-3 Pilates "boomerangs" slowly with maximum control both before and after the workout.
  • This movement not to be done for effort/intensity/time. The intention of this movement is to experience its healing/regenerative/restorative properties.
  • DO NOT STRAIN the neck.  
  • Special thanks to Holly Wren for the instruction. 

Workout Notes:

  • 1RM = One Rep Max. If you don't know your numbers, come a little early, warm-up and figure max. Thing is, I don't love the thought of heavy 1RMs. The risk to benefit ratio leans a little too far toward "risk", for me. If you are feeling froggy, go ahead and leap. Just understand the risks associated with doing so (i.e. potential injury). Otherwise, check out this article. Many experts have gone to great lengths to help you figure your 1RM without actually doing a 1RM. HERE is that page. Check it out.  
  • How to do a kipping pullup 
  • To figure 65% of your PMHR (predicted max heart rate) 
    • 220 - your age
    • subtract number obtained above from resting HR (best if done in the AM before rolling out of bed. 
    • multiply new number x .65
    • add back resting HR
    • Or just click HERE and let the internet do it for you. 
  • To get the most out of this workout you'll need to know your numbers. Don't worry about being exact. All of these numbers (HR, % of 1RM, etc.) are just BEST GUESSES. What matters most with this workout is your intensity level while storming.

During the lifting portion of this workout you should be at 80%+ of max capacity - THIS ASSUMES PERFECT FORM. To keep your intensity level above 80% you'll need to move quickly during and between exercises. Follow this up with immediate active recovery. Jogging is preferred since it is easy to regulate intensity levels, but anything done at 65% PMHR (Karvonen method) is cool.   

  • This doesn't need to be said, but I'll write it for the rookies ... FORM is key here. If you aren't sure of form please back down the weight and speeds of movement and simply work on creating great movement patterns. 
  • If you do your "bursts  at the right intensity (80%+), the LAST thing you'll want to do upon finishing is take off running. But you must - IMMEDIATELY. Initially HR will be WAY above 65%. Don't panic you have 5 mins to regulate. Maintain a solid recovery pace for as long as HR continues to drop. It may take 2 mins, or so to hit target HR. If you haven't recovered within 2 - 2 1/2 mins - SLOW DOWN. 
  • Also, be prepared for some HR creep. Over this approx 25-30 min workout HR will gradually incr. You'll need to slow your active recovery pace to be able to maintain 65% toward the end of the workout. 
  • If you really want to geek out on this workout, time your recovery periods. Knowing how long it takes your HR to recover helps you evaluate your fitness. All things being the same, if your HR recovers faster next time we do this workout - you are gaining fitness. I LOVE THIS GEEKY STUFF! LOVE IT! Hope to see your comments. Believe it or not, when creating and programming workouts, I always go back and look at the last couple of times we did this. I pick steady commentators and compare their numbers. It helps me know what we should do tomorrow/next week/ next month etc. Ever wonder how you continue to get stronger year after year? - thanks to your comments, I know what should come next. 


To say David H. lost 25 lbs in 2 1/2 months doesn't tell the entire story. Dude can STORM a workout! Thanks for the inspiration, man!

Also, I am a sucky photog!