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For time:

1/2 mile run
25 pullups
40 pushups
75 squats

Rest 2-5 min, then repeat (1x).

Post time of each effort to comments.

We expect Fitzoner to be a workout that you measure a portion of your fitness by.  Our "Superfits" can complete it in under 20 min.  The all-time records are under 12 minutes for females and males. 

With Fitzoner being one of our benchmarks, we expect continuous improvements in our times with this workout.  There are many who are faster every time we repeat this workout.  Some folks have made improvements to their times 7 years in a row.  

Thing is, we aren't ready for a Fitzoner yet.  We've only been running for a couple of weeks.  It's not reasonable to think we'd all improve our Fitzoner times if we drop it on you out of the blue after a long winter of lifting and very little running.  We must prepare first.

Do you see it coming?

We'd like to get, AT LEAST, 6 weeks of running onto you before we drop a Fitzoner on you. Thus this version of it.  

Excited to see your times today. 

A couple of thoughts on this workout.

1 - The run has to come first. Part of the challenge of this workout is being able to perform taxing reps of BW exercises after a max effort 1/2 mile run.  If you've ever done a version of this workout that doesn't have the run at the beginning, you know how much easier those BW movements can be. The run is both magic and evil that way.  It has an amazing effect on your fitness.

2 - You may "snake" the pushups.  Strict is cool too.  Incidentally, strict pushups are faster than snakes are.  At least, they are faster PER REP.  Stricts place a higher demand on the muscles of your shoulders, pecs and arms. This demand takes more time to recover from once fatigued. A longer recovery period might cost you your "HalfZoner" designation. 

3 - Males are required to complete full pullups.  Females may do jumping pullups.  

4 - Superfits can complete both segments of the "Halfzoner" workout in under 7:30.

5 - After the run, you may partition this workout as you like. Some do all the exercises in straight sets.  Others divide reps and perform rounds of exercises.  Five rounds of this would be 5 pullups/8 pushups/15 squats.  Some find their strengths lie in higher reps/shorter rounds. Others find their strengths lie in lower reps/higher rounds.  Part of the fun of this workout are the strategics involved.

Have you been thinking about giving GPP a try? There was never a better time than RIGHT NOW!  Spring is here and summer (swimsuit season) is just around the corner.  

GPP is offering our One Month Unlimited Single Membership for 50% OFF for NEW members.

If you refer a friend(s) for the above offer we'll give you 20% off your next month.

Legal Stuff (new members)
Offer valid through March 31.  Expires 180 days after purchase. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts.  Valid only for option purchased.  Subject to availability. Valid for new members who haven't used GPP services within 12 months. Month begins on day of first visit and expires 31 days days later.

Legal Stuff (referrals)
Offer valid through March 31. Expires 180 days after referral. Referral must list you as their contact on day of sign-up. Offer is for 20% off your current monthly membership dues.  Offer is extended to one month only. Also, we love you.  You are awesome for referring folks to us.  Thank you!

Rack runners of the 0930!