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KB Uni

Standard GPP

5 rounds - 

20 KB halos R 25/35
20 KB halos L 25/35
20 KB biceps curls R 25/35
20 KB biceps curls L 
20 KB OH T2T press R 25/35
20 KB OH T2T press L 25/35
20 KB front squats 25/35 (see description below)
20 v-ups

Post Rx or reps missed to comments.

Daily Extras - 

10 KB swings 25/35 on min 1
15 KB swings 25/35 on min 2 
20 KB swings 25/35 on min 3
25 KB swings 25/35 on min 4
30 KB swings 25/35 on min 5

Rest 2 min, then repeat entire sequence subbing situps for KB swings.   

Workout Notes: 

  1. NOT on trainer's count today! 

  2. Halos have to go all the way around the head. It's tough to do with a KB. Sometimes a DB works better. 

  3. KB biceps curls can be hard on those of you with elbow pain (tennis elbow). Go light with a DB if you have this condition. 

  4. T2T means you need a 1 sec pause at the top of every OH movement. 

  5. KB front squat is just not-so-fancy term for a Goblet Squat.

  6. I know it looks like an arm/leg workout, but its all about the abs today. Most of the time when I throw a "uni" workout at you, I intend it to smack you in the abs!

Understanding the Obliques
by Neil Anderson

It takes a unique understanding of the anatomy of your obliques in order to get the most out of working them.  They don't quite act like other muscles do.  

Most muscles have a very direct line of pull.  Like a biceps muscle (to the left).  The fibers of your biceps muscles only go in one direction.  We'll call this North to South.  Because these fibers only run North to South they lack the ability to go East and West.  If your arms need to move East and West they must be enacted upon by other muscle groups.  

But, your obliques (below) are different.  The muscles of your obliques are comprised of 2 different layers of muscle fibers.  These fibers run on angles between East and West.  The internal layers have fibers running down and backwards, toward your rear pockets.  The external layers run down and forward toward your front pockets.  The cool thing about this is because of how the fibers are angled, they are unlimited in terms of their range of motion.  Not only can they move your trunk in linear movement patterns of North and South, they can also move your trunk East and West.  With the added benefits of rotational movements kicked in for good measure. 

Yep, your obliques can move your trunk in EVERY plane of motion.  Once you understand this, it becomes easier to work them properly and with efficiency.  

Therefore Movements which shape and firm your obliques are the ones that include all of the movement patterns your obliques are capable of.  When shaping obliques look for movements that provide resistance in every plane of motion.  These include the Frontal Plane (up/down from the front), Sagittal (up/down from the side) and Transverse (rotation).  

To the R is a good example of a movement that includes movement in all three planes.  It is intended for the abdominals, but also has the added benefits of sculpting and shaping biceps.   

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