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For time:

2 min plate switches
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

400m run
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

300 rope jumps
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

400m row
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

50 burpees
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

Post time to comments

Daily Extras -

3 min plate switches
3 min side hops R (4" platform)
3 min side hops L

Workout Notes:

  • Careful with those pullups. It's been a while. 
  • If you can't do pullups, rig a cable pull-down with the weight at 6-8.
  • 20 pushups is NO JOKE. Snake em if you've got to. 
  • Watch yourself in the mirror during the squats. Get low. Keep your chest up.
  • 400m run alt is 2 min of cardio.
  • Note the running alts. Is it impossible to run where you are? Use these alts.
  • Daily extras SHOULD make you sore.

I Got Her Back! 

Some of you have asked for the story. Here are the Cliff's notes: 

I was searching online ( looking for it. Frickin found it! Called Centerville PD. They said, "Come to the PD and let's talk." 

Went to the PD and talked to officer Casey (stud). We positively identified it by using pics online that he posted and my own pics of the bike. Then we filled out a report. Got a case # and promptly called West Valley PD (the bike was in West Valley). 

We drove out to WVPD. They were awesome. They were like, "Hey, would you be comfortable going to the house and checking it out? We'll be just around the corner."

I'm like, "HELL YEAH! Sounds fun!"

Texted the guy and asked, "Can I come see it?" He said, he changed his mind. He was thinking of keeping it instead. I was all, "Hey man, I love that style of bike! I'll pay more than the asking price." He ghosted me for a couple of hours. 

Then at the PD the officer instructed me to write to the guy and act really, REALLY interested. The guy responded! Gave me his address, which really didn't matter because the PD had it already (it correlated with the phone number I was corresponding with). 


And luckily the address he gave was the same as the one the PD had.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we all drove out there, the cops parked a couple blocks away. I went to the address, asked to look at the bike, the guy brought it out and IT WAS MINE! I asked him if I could take it for a test ride. He said "YES!" I got on. Rode it around the block, signaled the police and THEY SWOOPED IN! 

Turns out, he might have been ripped off too. He claims he bought it from a guy for a very small amount. Knew it was an expensive bike and wanted to flip it for more money. So he bought it to sell. Claimed he didn't know it was stolen (even though the serial numbers, which I had, were scraped off). Wrote to me later and told me sorry. I guess I'll give him the benefit of doubt. 

Anyway ... I got it back! Below are some pics of the experience.