100 KB swings 25/35
300 rope jumps
15 chinups (strict)
3-3-3-2-1 reps for ea hand of:
Turkish get-ups (& downs) AHAP
Post highest weight per set, per hand to comments.
Daily Extras -
2 min plate switches
50 pushups (strict)
2 min plate switches
50 pushups (strict)
Extra Daily Extras -
Add a min to the plate switches.
Do bar pushups (KB pushups if no bar)
Workout Notes:
- Wear long pants today. Your knees will thank you for this. You'd think that using the mat at the gym would be helpful. It's not. It makes you unstable. You'll miss reps. Missing reps causes you to miss out on benefits. Plus we hollar at you for dropping implements on the mat. It scars the mat making it harder to clean.
- You might find it's best to do TGUs without shoes.
- You may do all reps to the R then start with the L if you like. You may also alternate L & R.
- Don't be afraid of using a bar. Remember, the point here is to increase the strength and stability of your core. You might not be able to handle the same weight with a bar, but you'll likely add more strength to your core.
- Might consider using a KB for the weight also. I know people who will swear Turkish Get Ups with a KB cured their shoulder issues.
“HQ Peeps: if you are packing a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child, please remember to bring them into the gym next week so we can get them delivered. There is still time if you are interested - let me know if you have questions. There are still flyers on the table with instructions. Thanks!”
From Coach Kate:
"I had no idea that Fonda workout was actually SPP for hiking 1048 risers up an old rail trail to the top of Koko Head Crater! Shaky legs and a happy heart!"