Warm-up - 3 rounds of:
30 backwards double unders
30 KB swings 25/35
3 sets each of piriformis & low back stretch
10-8-6-4-6-8-10 reps per superset of:
deadlifts (AHAP)
OH DB strict presses (AHAP)
Rest AT LEAST 2 1/2 min between supersets.
Post weights used per superset to comments.
Daily Extras - Repeat the warm-up
Workout Notes:
- If you don't have a forward DU - just work on that.
- Today is the day you do DUs. Every miss you attempt counts as 1 rep. Put some time into developing your DU.
- Double Unders are magic. You know how you always say you "wish you were more coordinated?" Today is your chance to become so.
- Why and How to do Double Unders - by Neil
- If you can, add weight as you decr reps.
- Decr weight as you incr reps.
- Might consider doing the stretches both before & after the workout (after the warm-up).
- Doing these from home? Try your best to imitate the DL mvmt with DBs, or bands.
Double Under kisses! (Danielle)