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deads and presses


Deads & Presses Pyramids

Warm-up - 3 rounds of:

30 backwards double unders
30 KB swings 25/35

3 sets each of piriformis & low back stretch

10-8-6-4-6-8-10 reps per superset of:

deadlifts (AHAP)
OH DB strict presses (AHAP)
Rest AT LEAST 2 1/2 min between supersets.

Post weights used per superset to comments.

Daily Extras - Repeat the warm-up

Workout Notes:

  1. If you don't have a forward DU - just work on that.
  2. Today is the day you do DUs. Every miss you attempt counts as 1 rep. Put some time into developing your DU.
  3. Double Unders are magic. You know how you always say you "wish you were more coordinated?" Today is your chance to become so.
  4. Why and How to do Double Unders - by Neil
  5. If you can, add weight as you decr reps. 
  6. Decr weight as you incr reps. 
  7. Might consider doing the stretches both before & after the workout (after the warm-up).
  8. Doing these from home? Try your best to imitate the DL mvmt with DBs, or bands. 

Double Under kisses! (Danielle)