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Deads + K2S

Warm up:

100 double unders
100 situps
100 Superman back extensions


10-8-6-4-2-2- reps per set of:

deadlifts AHAP

Follow each set with 10 knees to shoulders.
Post heaviest weight completed to comments.


Remember the "Burpee Half Mile" workout we did at the end or our last 2-a-days week?  Wonder what you'd think about joining us (and several dozen, or hundred) our our closest friends and storming a FULL mile later this month - for charity?  

I mean, a HALF mile was OK, but didn't you feel like there was something missing?  Seriously, can we really brag to our friends that we did a HALF mile of burpees?  Seems a little panzyish.  Just saying.  

Lizz had the idea of getting together with as many fitness people as we can reach and pushing ourselves to complete a full mile of burpees together in a park, or somewhere.  Location to be announced.  The date is firm.  We'll be doing this Oct. 20th.  We are inviting everyone who wants to try.  We are even reaching out to other gyms in the extended area.  It'll be interesting to see if anyone will come.  Actually, a bunch are talking about coming!  Fun times.  Be watching here on the blog for more info as the day gets closer.  Maybe we can even collect $5 from each of us and donate it to a charity?  Seems like it would be the right thing to do.  Nothing we like more than the thought of using all this fitness we are building to benefit others!  

We'll keep you posted.  


Larissa has a unique style for performing her deads.  She does a "Sumo Deadlift."  Sumos are done with knees outside of the elbows.  Some find it easier on their backs - especially tall folk.  

Tall folks have longer thighs which put their center of gravity further back from the bar during the initial lift phase of the DL.  The further back you are from the bar, the more stress you are putting directly onto the low back.  To counter this, it can be helpful for those with longer thigh bones to spread the legs "Sumo" style to get your center of gravity closer to the bar.  This can help prevent/relieve back pain and keep your back healthier.  


Nice form Larissa!  You may choose a wider stance than LUF has here.  Also, if you go wider, let those toes point slightly more outward.