Viewing entries tagged
cable pull downs


Back it Up

Warm Up:

1000 m row
75 V-Ups
100 conditioning curls 15/20 ea. (R+L=1)


5 supersets of: 

8-12 reps narrow lat pull downs AHAP
standing cable mid-row burnouts @ 50%
Rest 3-5 minutes between supersets

set up for pull-down

Workout Notes from Katelyn:

  • I want to keep those lat pull downs and rows as strict as they can be. Really focus on shaping those muscles individually today.
  • Sit on the ball today while doing those pull downs. Keep your back straight and push yourself.
  • Watch your rest time. I don’t want you going more than the given time. Also, don’t cut yourself short on that rest time either. You need those muscles to recharge before going after another burnout set. You’ll want the time. Trust me. 
  • No lat pull down? Try assisted pullups or these  
  • No cable mid-row? Try BB bent rows

One Workout Note from Neil:

  • I deleted the pull-down vid. It's because I'm an idiot. Hope the photo helps you set it up.

Programming is coming to you via Katelyn Kimber (yep, Lil K) this week. So excited to get her spin on how to progress through the week. Couple of things about Lil K:

  1. We, sort of, raised her! She started working the early morning shift (5 a.m.) checking folks in at HQ when she was only 17! Wait, maybe younger. I'm going to have to double check that. 
  2. She has a degree in exercise science from USU!
  3. Is a certified personal trainer and maintains a clientele at the U of U. 
  4. Married to Andrew.
  5. You've probably stormed workout next her her folks. Gina comes mid-morn & Derrick mainly at night. 
  6. All of this seems weird to me because I somehow still think of her as a little kid!  
  7. I would look for a few burpees this week. She's really good at them. 

So DAMN cool! Linds using her fitness!