For Time:
25 burpees
25 burpee - pullups
25 burpee - OH DB presses 15/20 ea
25 burpee - power clean 65/95
25 burpee - double pumper
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Daily Extras - 3 rounds for time:
20 KB swings 25/35
20 KB clusters 25/35
20 KB swings 25/35
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Workout Notes:
- Don't be intimidated by this workout. The hardest part is the fist 25 burpees. After that, it's like sleepy time. You almost feel guilty about how easy it is.
- Vets, if you want more out of this, leave the burpees for the end. They are harder at the end. Even though the rest of this is pretty easy.
- Keep neutral spine on those PCs. Re-set deliberately after each burpee.
- Commit to touching your chest on every pushups. Every ONE!
- Burpee: King of All Exercises
- 100 burpees sub 5 min
True. True. (Angie)