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warm-up:  400 m run + 50 air squats

4 sets of 15 dive bomber pushups
4 sets of 10 DB triceps kick backs 10/15
4 sets of 10 OH DB triceps extensions AHAP
4 sets of 8 Spartan pushups

Post weights and reps to comments.

This weekend marks the 3rd time we have held an "Intensive Training" of the GPP training methodology.  We are honored to have folks (local, from across the nation, & and even from Canada) who've dedicated time to spend with us learning these philosophies, methods & techniques.  Pumped to spend time with them and share thoughts and ideas back and forth.

During our weekend we will cover some unique thoughts.  Thoughts that we'd love to hear your perspective on.  Please participate (if you have the notion) by giving your thoughts on the following:

Do you have an "Advanced Directive?"
Why do you exercise? 
What is health?


New GPP Kid's Classes (Soccer fitness emphasis) will begin Oct 1 - Nov 21.  Class size is limited.  Please register at the front desk of HQ.