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Arms & 400s

Complete 3 rds of the triplet before moving on.

strict chin-ups
20 BB biceps curls 45/65
400 m run

then, complete 3 rounds of: 

10 BB skull crushers 45/65
20 chair dips
400 m run

Post form thoughts to comments. 

Daily Extras - Run an extra 200 m per round. 

Workout Notes:

  1. We've got to get back to your running this week. We'll go hard at your upper body today. Abs (of course) tomorrow, then we have a new lower body workout for you on Fri. courtesy of Amy! Fun stuff. 
  2. Biceps curls are done conditioning style only with a bar. 
  3. Chinups are palms facing you!
  4. Progression to chinups.
  5. Chinups from home but no bar? Here's a good alt


Shyra holds for 5 mins straight in the GG! Super inspiring! Strong work Shyra.